Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)



Locatie_Z , The Hague, The Netherlands


Christine Ayo, Jake Caleb, Teddy Coste, Jakob Forster, Josje Hattink, Olga Hohmann, Peter Horneland, Lili Huston-Herterich, Jamie Kane, Merve Kılıçer, Lucía Bayón Mendoza, Josie Perry, Petter Dahlström Persson, Bobby Sayers, Daphne Simons, Nina Wakeford.


Piet Zwart Institute MFA artists hosted a two-day event at Locatie Z in Den Haag to present artworks, performances, and participatory works that share responses to thinking done alongside core tutor Nina Wakeford, in her thematic project "burdens of representation vs. burdens of affect (1989:2019)." Lima The Last Beagle was a performance I developed in 2 parts that was spread throughout the evening in different locations. Accompanied by a custom-made instrument called "The Waterphone" I acted as a type of program interruption. At one time jumping unannounced into the river wearing a wetsuit and then guiding the audience to another part of the space with the help of the waterphone, and the second time featured a call and response with a pre-recorded phone call with the ghost of a deceased Beagle called Lima (graciously voice acted by Merve Kiliçer").

  • Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)
    Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)
    Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)
    Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)
    Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)
    Lima The Last Beagle (BA _DUM_PSSSH)
