House Hunt
Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A live-to-camera performance piece featuring handmade costumes, a live-band and participation from the audience. House Hunt was an absurd dating-style game show that helped set audience volunteers up with a place to live. A special thanks to the brilliant performers: \nHOST - Berglind Erna Tryggvadóttir\nAUDIENCE VOLUNTEER - Teddy Coste\nBAND – Josie Perry, Yanik Soland & Daphne Simons\nHOUSES –\n GRAAF FLORISTRAAT – Antonia Brown\n STREVELSWEG – Jakob Forster\n DONNA DORDTSELAAN – Christine Ayo\nCROWNER - Petter Dahlström Persson\nCAMERA OPERATOR - Honey Jones Hughes \nMODERATORS – Jamie Kane and Katarina Zdjelar